Friday, September 27, 2013

Chapter 2 (The Nonhuman World)

1) The first season is Fall which starts on September 23rd. This is when the weather cools down but is not too cold. The temperatures in fall are usually around 60-70 degrees. Fall season is very beautiful because it is when the trees blossoms. Every tree has leaves that are a different color.

2) The second season is Winter which starts on December 23rd. During winter season it gets really cold. The temperatures can drop to 10 degrees. One beautiful part about winter is the snow. Even though it is really cold and you have to wear layers of clothes to keep warm, the snow makes winter seem amazing.

3) The third season is Spring which starts on March 21st. Everyone in Philadelphia loves spring because this is the one season that is actually warm. It is not too cold or not too hot.This is the time where families love going to parks and being out doors.

4) The fourth season is Summer which starts on June 21st. Summer in Philadelphia is not as pleasant as many people would think. This is when temperatures are above 100 degrees and the humidity is very bad. My summer experiences back home was not good because I was always sweating and it is very sticky. I did not enjoy humidity. There is always bad heat waves in Philadelphia. This makes people want to stay indoors near their air conditioners.

Source: (Google images)

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